I Have Money to Invest, What Should I Do - Making the Transition From a Worker to an Investor

ByBeau Morton

Not a lot of people are lucky enough to be in a position where they can ask the following question:

I have money to invest what should I do?

For those that are indeed lucky enough to be able to ask that question, your frame of mind alone is positive enough to ensure your future success, as someone who is happy in their life and enjoys the various benefits of living a life of financial freedom.

If you have come to the realization that investing your money is the way to go, you have a lot of positive thinking going for you and chances are you have a steady flow of income which you can always fall back on and you understand that investing has a fair amount of risk attached to it.

Investing, as exciting and rewarding as it can be, indeed has some risk integrated into it, but when you ultimately complete the transition from being a worker to an investor, you will do so only when you have enough cushion money to break your fall, should such a fall culminate and you can start from a fair position to build up your wealth again.

If you have money and want to invest it what you should do is first conduct some research. Find out which investments you can fill your investment portfolio with as there is a method to this apparent madness.

You can't just throw your money into anything and everything that comes along -- you have-to-have a systemic approach, particularly if you want to see the kind of returns that will make your effort pay off.

You may have some spiritually motivated limitations that would keep you up at night, prompting you to stay away from investment structures that counteract those spiritual views. For instance, if you are against the manufacture of firearms, you will naturally want to stay away from investment structures that support that industry.

It is one thing wanting to maximize profit, out of each and every opportunity that arises, but you have to be methodical so as to formulate a regime that will see you through the trying times of any market turn. If you are all over the place then you cannot deploy any contingency plans that will see you through the times when the markets don't act according the norm.

Being in the situation that you find yourself, having a steady income that you want to supplement with investments, until you can make a complete transition from working to investing, you will first want to decide what kind of investments you want to get into.

Do you seek the thrill of the stock markets, the adrenalin rush of futures trading, or do you simply want a steady, safer way to invest your money?

Naturally you'd want a mixed investment portfolio, with a sizable portion geared towards long-term, slower capital gains and a small-to-medium sized portion allocated to more risk taking in hope of quicker, higher returns.

That way all your bases are covered and anything that comes in, in addition to the safer returns shall be treated as a bonus.

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